Welcome to the Climate Dynamics and Variability Group! We work in research areas at the intersections of climate dynamics and change, weather extremes and impacts, uncertainty, risk and decision making. We combine observational data sets, climate models spanning a wide range of complexities, and statistical/mathematical methods to address grand climate challenges. Some recent and ongoing projects focus on: extreme climate and weather events (e.g. extreme temp/precip, surface hydrology, wildfire risk, tropical cyclones), statistical modeling of climate and weather extremes, machine learning techniques for seasonal/climate prediction and uncertainty quantification.
Please see our group’s Publication List for more information about current and past research.
CLICK HERE to watch new visualization products illustrating the impacts of tropical cyclones on the upper oceans using the high-resolution CESM and the Blue Waters Supercomputer at Illinois.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences
Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4046 Natural History Building MC-104
1301 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
phone: 217-300-0364
fax: 217-244-1752